June 30, 2016

Snippets and snapshots

Here are a few accounts of some of our milestones over the last couple of months. Sometimes the picture speaks for itself. But I will add a few words anyway for posterity.

Disneyland (late April)
Marina’s birthday; wet weather didn’t dampen spirits. Branding run amok yet it WORKS!
We had a terrific time.

Little Sumos (May)
There is nothing cuter than seeing kindergarten kidz square off in a school-wide sumo tournament.
To (translation is mine) “promote children’s healthy body and to give an opportunity to learn and feel the Japanese mind and culture.”

Golden Week: the annual holidays. We opted for a staycation to avoid the inevitable crowds: home chores, flea markets, shorts trips (Jogashima), and visiting local fishin’ holes. It was just plain good.
2nd game of the year!

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