September 4, 2022

R.I.P. Pon-chan the Philosopher Fish

It is with great sorrow that I report that M.'s pet fish, Pon-chan, has died.

Pon-chan passed away this week. I wish I could say for certain why he died, but he had been sluggish for quite some time. I wish I could tell you that he passed peacefully, in his sleep, due to natural causes. I wish I could specify even one cause of his departure for the Watery Hereafter. I can't.

We went on vacation in mid-August and even prior to our departure old Pon-chan stayed close to the bottom of his tank and rarely moved. Seldom gave us a smile. Fish, our aquatic buddies, are filled with mystery because of their placid behavior. Pon's contemplative approach to life was…sedate…to say the least. He was far too cryptic to indicate what exactly was exciting or troubling him. He always had that upside-down frown that fish have—pondering existence in silence (except for the gurgle of the tank filter).
Still, Pon had charisma.

He gave Marina immense pleasure. He also taught her about responsibility when charged with the well-being of another living thing. Things like providing care and sustenance, interacting in good times and bad, and the give and take of close relationships.

"Well, he had a good life," said the mighty M. Her composed reaction to his demise reflects the serenity Pon imparted during their years together? One will never know.

We gave Pon a place of honor in the pet cemetery in our small front yard. He got his own rock marker. Doing so marks where he rests and ensures his remains are not disturbed by local critters looking for an easy meal.

We all liked Pon. He was easygoing, he did get excited when we doled out a pinch of his food, and frankly he wasn't that needy. All he asked was that we clean the tank every now and then, which Marina took seriously and did diligently.

One final thought: imagine old man Pon hovering out there forever, pondering the floating existence in perpetuity, and giving the Rising Family™ much pleasure. We wish Pon a full stomach and clear gills in fish heaven. Pon-chan, we will miss you.

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