January 30, 2010

2009: A Look Back

* One of my favorite songs from the band Rage Against The Machine. Check it out if interested here.

2010 was uncorked four weeks ago and I have been letting last year settle a bit before trying to capture its essence through a photo collage. Last year was a tough year around the globe, but there were signs that things were improving. I’m taking that positive mindset forward to this year. And I can write without irony that any minor troubles  we experienced (mostly retrenchment financially due to the economy) were resoundingly trumped by the cumulative delight provided by Lady E. Well, most of the time. So here goes:

We once again visited the Hiroshima illumination festival that is held on the Peace Boulevard. The holiday lights filled the downtown core with a kaleidoscope of color and holiday spirit from December through early January.

Elena’s first crush. And Daddy’s not worried…yet.

Elena mounted a protest against continued diaper use. Or contemporary art?
(She kicked the diaper habit by May.)

We joined Elena’s new pre-K class at the local zoo. Fantastic weather!

Celebrating the coming summer at the beach in Hamada. In the words of Jimi Hendrix,  “kiss the sky.”

Our first “real” camping trip.

I just really like this picture of us.

A family shot during a party for Andy, Neila and family.

Rage! Don’t wanna go to school.

The school sports festival, where Elena’s class performed “Singing in the Rain.”

We took a weekend trip to Kurashiki. This lovely photo of my two special ladies resulted.

We took our now-annual trip to Setoda-cho in the Seto Inland Sea. What keeps us coming back? The Kousanji Temple and Mirai no Oka (Hill of Hope). They are two little-known gems set against the blue waters. Lady E. enjoyed the view.


January 16, 2010

The New Rising Family™

This car sticker, an unusual Japanese English variant of Baby on Board, says it all:

We are ecstatic to announce that Naomi is expecting our second child, due in early May.

Everything is going well: the baby is developing wonderfully and Naomi’s tummy is growing cutely. Since this is the second time around for us, our hypothetical questions and concerns about impending parenthood are fewer. On the other hand, how to adapt to the addition of another little person in our family, logistics and financial issues, and embracing sleep deprivation again are subjects that will provide more navel-gazing fodder for this blog. There may even be some entertaining bits for you, dear Reader.

We do not know if the child will be a boy or girl yet. I initially thought that not knowing the sex of the baby would be fun and old-school, like we did with Lady E. However, we have decided to embrace technology and efficiency, so we’ll probably be made aware of the baby’s sex before he or she is born. Stay tuned.

And, yes, the title of this blog will change. I am considering “Rising Family™.” Any objections out there?

January 6, 2010

Lady E. Turns Three

I am Elena, Elena-I-am
This is our wee tribute to Green Eggs and Ham

They call me Lady E.,
and today I turned three
I am happy as can be
I ate lots of birthday cake, you see

Would I eat birthday cake in a boat? on a train? in a tree?
Yes, anywhere is fine, and I guarantee
I’ll finish the icing quickly

Could I eat more cake than my mommy or daddy?
I could today ‘cuz they let me

Cake is so good, and since it is free
I can eat it liberally
and it tastes better than rice, peas or abalone

But if eat too much cake, my belly gets achy
and too much sugar will make me antsy
so I can’t sit still long enough to go pee-pee

Still, I am happy to be
the ripe young age of three
three candles so teeny…
more to come in years filled with laughter and glee

Called “E-chan” most of the time, but on my birthday “madame”
three years old today, Elena-I-am.


We wish all our family and friends everywhere happiness and peace in the new year!