there is the different level of importance we place on physically visiting
someone. When planning a trip, with who will you spend limited facetime becomes
a real dilemma. Who is the most important? Who are your priorities? Do you run
yourself ragged keeping up relationships, or do you try to relax and focus on
certain people?
daresay technology has a positive impact when you want to stay in touch. The trick
is to pick the right tech to fit the relationship. Keeping in touch can mean reaching
out minute-to-minute, a couple of times a month, or even just once a year—Christmas
cards or New Year Greetings.
I’ve pulled together some photos that I think are amusing and which highlight
the immediacy of our visual communication or the importance of being there with the
day Lady E. was adamant she did not want to join us on a weekend jaunt. It
would be boring. She would rather read by herself. If we forced her to come,
she clearly telegraphed she would make it unpleasant for all. So we
figured she was old enough to stay home by herself for a few hours.
lunchtime we were getting a regular stream of WhatsApp photos (above) indicating she
was OK but bored, perhaps a tad lonely, but never second-guessing her own decision to
not join us. Elena’s amusing facial expressions and burgeoning
creativity are evident from that brief separation.
here we have Grampa visiting us in Tennessee. This is the guy responsible for
giving me the travel bug, God bless him. Grampas are mythic creatures in our
house. They command respect, yet rarely yell (like daddy does when he loses it). They often give presents and treats. They
get hugs before going to bed. We like it when Grampa visits, wherever we may be
living. Or when we visit O-jichan or O-baachan in Japan. The downside of living
far away from each other is improved by technology that keeps the bond intact until
the next visit. And hooray for that.
here is my brother in his bearded phase on a Skype call with the whole crew. Grizzly
Adams redux. We need to get the Rising Daughters some face time with Uncle
there are far-flung friends such as S. Merklinski, whom I tend to see on my almost-annual visits to Hiroshima. Another case is hoisting ales with D. Tulowitski, one of my old housemates from college days, whom I hadn’t seen in some time. Usually,
such reunions involve beer, catch-up chats with just a dash of reminiscing. You can’t live in the past, and making fresh memories is what counts. I also do regular calls with Billy Bob McTheory in Nevada,
James Sillywalk, and M. Penilski. We all make an effort to stay in touch.
are some who say instant communication technologies are affecting family
relationships in negative ways. Our daughters are not teens yet. So far we’re all good, as
they say in these parts. For now, tech is a net positive. What happens when jet packs,
personal drone taxis, hyperloop trains, VR headsets or IC chip skull embeds become
that latest thing? Let’s find out, shall we?