April 28, 2022

Marina & candy

The M.'s b-day is soon. This being the internet, I won’t say what day in March or April or May. Suffice it to say it is soon
For this post I decided to keep with the musical analogy of the last post that was focused on Lady E. The first thought that comes to mind when you concentrate is oftentimes the most apropos. When I was meditating on M.’s gregarious personality the song “I Want Candy” by the 80s group Bow Wow Wow hurtled into my consciousness. Why?
It's because she’s vivacious, kind-hearted, impulsive and enthusiastic. Every day it is all about playing with other people and having fun. School work…not so much ;)

I mean, that’s in many ways the spirit of rock ‘n roll—wanting to stay a kid, shirk responsibility, and just have fun. Sweet and guitar-heavy pop music like Bow Wow Wow has its place--even if it's a remake of a 60s hit by The Strangeloves. A good song is timeless as recognized by the ear of the listener, no?

Keeping with this musical theme, consider these select lyrics from the aforementioned “I Want Candy
 I know a guy who's tough but sweet
 He's so fine, he can't be beat
 He's got everything that I desire
 He sets the summer sun on fire
 I want candy…

For me, that captures one aspect of Marina’s personality: she is tough but sweet. The toughness I see during her battles with her sister. There is no détente there. What’s more is her dedication to her basketball club and improving her skills. On top of that, her tenacious and calculated negotiations with her mom and me when she really wants something is a riptide of persuasion. Yet the foundation of her personality is kindness toward others, which is the quality that attracts the coterie of friends that we see her hang out with or besiege her phone with messages.
 And, of course, metaphors aside, she really does like eating sweets and candy.

As my youngest Rising Daughter adds another year of growth and development to her life, I am filled with wonder and delight. May she continue onward following this happiness track in the years to come. More mischief and endless enthusiasm ahoy!

April 17, 2022

Setting forth on her high school journey

Credit: Wikipedia
It feels like people around the world are crawling out of their caves in earnest for the first time in two years. That’s a welcome fork in the road for society. The Rising Family™ is pushing onward in new directions, too. For example, Lady E. started her high school journey.

Ah, high school. Has it ever been easy to be teenager? I have many memories of high school, mostly good, but I cannot imagine what it’s like to be a teenage girl of today. In the years to come, I reckon Lady E. will have to contend with the perennial issues. Worrying about her appearance. How to deal with parents. Finding and making new friends. Academic performance and social status. General fretting about the future. I won’t get into the murky realm of personal relationships with the opposite sex because it’s still a question mark. I refuse to become the stereotypical overprotective-of-his-daughter dad. We have spent years giving her the tools she needs to make her own way, on her own terms. Fingers crossed that we’ve given her the best possible operating system of experiences, morals and mild philosophy. The coming years, and her own life adventures, will add the unique upgrades necessary for her independent life as an adult.

The inevitable comparison photo at a similar age.
While I was mulling how to mark Elena’s entry into secondary school, for whatever reason my mind turned to the 70s punk rock gods the Ramones. Seems I cannot forget the band's appearance in the Roger Corman classic “Rock n' Roll High School.” That movie debuted even before I went to high school, long before music videos and MTV / MuchMusic.

Its themes of jubilant youth and happy rebellion capture the spirit of how I wish Elena’s time in high school will be:
Being true to herself amid relentless peer and other social pressures.
Becoming daring yet kind.
Being unafraid to try new (non-intoxicating) things.
Enjoying the privileges of youth.

Ultimately, she will choose her own heading. But we’ll add course corrections along the way.
And clearly I cannot forget the Ramones:
  Well I don't care about history.
  Rock, rock, rock'n'roll high school
  'Cause that's not where I want to be.
  Rock, rock, rock'n'roll high school
  I just want to have some kicks….
  Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock'n'roll high school

Bon voyage, Lady E., as you embark on a new stage of your life. 
