Here we are, embarking on the sixth installment of our periodic interviews. I am once again capturing my eldest daughter's evolving world in her own words. These conversations stand as snapshots, summing up her thoughts, feelings, activities, and ever-unfolding perspectives on life.
Join me as we delve into the chaos and beauty of her present. Lady E.'s fantastic NOW.
Can you tell me a little bit about yourself these days?
School summer break just ended. I started going to school again last week and I have just been hanging out with friends lately. I'm doing pretty good, I think.
What's your favorite subject in school? Tell me about the best project or activity you've ever done in that subject.
Probably a subject called "Kokusai Shokubunka" which basically means "international foods." We make foods from different countries. Every single time I have to read a report about it, and then we make foods from different places. We're doing Asia right now. And we have done Thailand, China, Korea and places like that. There's not a specific food preparation project, but it's different countries every time we make food, and that's pretty fun.
If you could outlaw one thing at school, what would it be?
Probably the exams that I have four times a year. I don't think we need them for the first semester and the second semester. Only two exams are enough! I don't think we need four in a year. I think that's a bit too much. So kill it.
If you could wake up tomorrow, fluent in two other languages, which languages would you choose? And why?
I'd probably choose French. I don't really have any other one that I want to learn to speak. So maybe French only because you can use it in a lot of countries, and I studied French last year. I quit it this year, but I studied it a little bit. So I think it'd be cool to speak French.
Not Spanish or Chinese? No.
What do you think is the most important personal quality in a teacher and why?
If a teacher cares about the student, I think being nice is important. Each student has different problems, and their own life, so I think every teacher could just be nice and adjust to each student. And like, you know, think more about the students. That's a good thing in a teacher.
What's something you're really good at in school?
English class, because I lived abroad and I speak better English than most of the other students. And I'm also in the advanced class for the two English classes that I have which is essay writing and just English debate. And there's about 150 students. I'm like top I'm at the top 18 people in that subject.
Besides English. What is the second thing you think that you're really good at?
I guess the international foods class because I get to cook. Yeah, I can use a knife. Because some people aren't good at that. It's true.
What makes you a good friend?
I think I care a lot about my friends. That's a good thing.
Do you think social media helps make or maintain friendships?
Yeah, cuz you get to text them a lot when it's summer or winter break. You can talk to them even when you're not around in person during long breaks, so I think it helps you maintain friendships. But I mean I think social media helps some people make friends online. But I personally…I don't make friends online. Instead, I maintain friendships that I already have.
How would you describe yourself in five words or fewer?
I think I'm energetic. I talk a lot--I'm talkative. And sometimes I'm pretty negative. I am in the middle between introvert and extrovert. There's a word for that… (Ambivert - Ed.) I think I'm like in the middle. Also I think I'm pretty emotional whenever it comes to studying and stuff. Also, when I have to move to new places--I don't really want to leave the place I am living in because I don't want to leave my comfort zone.
Who is your personal hero? And why?
I don't really have a personal hero. I respect many people, but I don't think they're heroes. Okay?
Stay tuned for Part 2...