Lady E’s initial reaction to Naomi’s massaging was an endearing look of bewilderment. After awhile, though, and many extremely loud cries later, we figured out she doesn’t like her back rubbed. It must be “a toddler thing” because both her parents are huge fans of getting a massage. Anyway, we decided to take the slow exposure route. Naomi is still adjusting her massage regimen and we are keeping at it because it’s an interesting concept, albeit not easy with a squirming little person. Lady E. seems to be coming around to the idea, though. When she’s in her thirties, no doubt she will long for a Thai massage, just like her parents do now. Everyday.
One of the many pleasures I have in the course of doing my job is the presence of my co-workers, many of whom are female. Of course, as a confirmed “oya abaka” (best translated as “extremely doting parent”) I bore the hell out of other staffers at my office with photos, what-I-consider-interesting baby stories and the URL for this blog! Lucky for us, Elena manages to charm them with her magical drooling powers. Anyway, a few of them came over recently for a grin and grip session with Lady E.
Thanks for coming to visit, ladies, for two reasons: 1) We are always pleased to have visitors come and say hi and meet our lilttle rugrat and 2) it gives me a chance to brag about Naomi’s kickass debut as a mother and show off the amazing progress our beloved bundle of joy is making. Elena is now 16 weeks old as of this writing, and has vowed to kick the booze and smokes for health reasons.
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