March 10, 2015

Random Acts of Photography

The premise is simple: capture some of the oddities that add to the flavor of our lives, particularly during weekend family outings. Here are a few.

Birthday Mayhem
A trip to Pureland (a.k.a. Hello Kitty Land) has become an annual January ritual that I will cop to secretly enjoying even though I am officially a functioning adult male. There is just too much excitement and joy in the air not to feel young and giddy. Great way to celebrate Lady E.’s birthday and kick off the new year. Check this out:
Since I snap most of the photos, I am only occasionally in them. So here are a few of the kids and me:

Exhibit A: Lady E. and me at Cocos, a family favorite for cheap eats. The girls favor this chain because their “getting dessert ratio” is high. 
Exhibit B: Marina making peace with me after throwing dried beans at my head with uncanny accuracy at early February’s Setsubun ritual. The idea is to throw beans at nasty demons (like daddy) to bring in good luck. Perhaps it is an old tradition for children to release stress?
Credit: B.Davis,
Cosmic Lady E.
As she gets older, Elena is exploring her own Doors of Perception. She can’t read Aldous Huxley yet, but:
This is Major Tom to Ground Control
 I'm stepping through the door
 And I'm floating
 in a most peculiar way
 And the stars look very different today

And this is Marina’s current worldview: feces, Doraemon and Anpanman.
(Interpret this any want you want to, folks.)

The Final Frontier
Leonard Nimoy died recently. The universe has gained what we lost—LLAP. I always liked his equanimity with being inextricably and forever associated with the role of Mr. Spock. Years ago Nimoy inspired my annual goatee-growing habit in February. Canadians, in their egalitarian way, have chosen to honor him by Spockifying $5 bills. I think it’s terrific! “Why not, eh?”

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