January 25, 2016

200th post: without you, I’m nothing

I’d like to revisit the raison d’etre for this blog, which I described right at its birth in February 2007: “This blog is written mostly for my family and close friends in Canada and the US to keep them up to date and bridge the distance”…and so it remains.

The fact is that I also write this blog for myself as a sort of time capsule of the development and life events of the Rising Daughters, and some of the challenges they sometimes face. The words will preserve the reality of rearing rugrats -- the joys and occasional adversity – so they will not fade into memory over time. I love my family very much.  If this chronicle can somehow capture the pride I feel about the way my daughters are blossoming into fine young people to those of you reading it – even just a handful of amigos and relatives – then I am more than satisfied.

When will the Rising Daughters® blog end? I do not know. There will come a time to say sayonara, but I don’t see that on the event horizon just yet. I still enjoy writin’ ‘em, so I hope you still enjoy reading the posts. It’s that simple, and as long as good vibe keeps going, why stop?

But I will never forget that, as the old saying goes, “without you I am nothing."

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