15 is a national holiday in India that commemorates its independence from the
United Kingdom in 1947. I celebrated the day off from work by participating in
the annual 5K “Freedom Run 2017” in Gurgaon hosted by Delhi Land &
Finance (DLF) Ltd., the largest commercial real estate developer in India.
DLF brand is omnipresent in Gurgaon. It is a city of about 1.5 million people
south of New Delhi, where I live and work. In the 1970s, Gurgaon consisted of small
villages and agriculture. Now it’s a rapidly growing mega-city with its
development led mostly by private companies.
Independence Day I expected to run the five clicks, exchange pleasantries with a few other residents, and
get some exercise. Instead, I received an in-your-face lesson on the social
contract between the haves and the have-nots in India, yet I had fun during the
non-competitive, friendly run experience. All told: fascinating & thought
Part 1: pre-race
woke early, left for the race start registration. It was a holiday, so no taxis
or auto rickshaws were available at the usual spot near my apartment. At that point,
I had 30 minutes left before the race registration desk would close--yikes. I made
a snap decision to run to the registration desk at the start point of the race
(no other choice, really.) Bad planning on my part meant I had to run this “warm-up
leg” to the start point. No big deal, right?
My iPhone directed to streets off the main thoroughfare that appeared to be
shortcuts and took me into a new part of Gurgaon I had never ventured into
before. It was a completely new world. Plagued by urgency, soon I was huffing
and puffing amid people walking to work, people coming from a less privileged economic
strata. I was glaringly out of my element, and I jogged though this
neighborhood like an idiot, watching people TV (outside, sitting on lawn chairs
or the dusty ground) who were watching the PM’s Independence Day address to the
nation. They stared back at me, not aggressively, more perplexed: Whaa? I soon realized these streets were
designed to cordon off this particular neighborhood from where I wanted to go,
in a more affluent area. I either had to run back and start from scratch, or
figure out a solution. I went all-in, and kept going. I knew this was going to
be an interesting experience and started snapping photos with the iPhone.
I was running through dusty streets with very few people on them, with abandoned
lots populated by wild dogs that followed me until I left their territory.
pressed on, soon came across a pack of wild pigs feasting amid mounds of
refuse. All this in section of the city located about 900 meters away from a
Porsche dealership and with luxury condos in the background. The dichotomy
obviously stayed with me.
I hit a main street I recognized, passed a demonstration along the roadside and
hauled ass to the start point.
Part 2: the race
convinced a reluctant organizer to let me join in some 15 minutes before the
race began. I plastered the number on my T-shirt and gulped some bottled water
to hydrate (it was already 31 degrees out). It wasn’t an Olympic-class crowd; I
fit right in. In fact, it was mostly families and people who clearly weren’t running
very regularly. Again, I fit right in. It was, after all, a fun run/walk 5K.
course was all on roads on DLF property. I got a nice view of my own apartment
tower complex from afar.
During the race, runners received orange, white and
green wristbands upon reaching each of three stations. Getting all three bands
showed you finished the course. I had a decent run, enjoyed myself. I fell into
step and took a photo of a guy who ran the whole course with an Indian flag in
his hand. Finished the course. What was my time and how was my performance? Answer: Amaging.
There were no other revelations or odd things, just a good run. I
later calculated that the total distance I covered getting there plus the run
was well over 10K. So I ran longer and thought harder than I bargained for that
Part 3: the
from different economic occupations lead different lives. They have different experiences
and different social rules that apply to them. That’s true in India as well as
most places in the world. Still, to get to this race I left the manicured lawns
and guarded entrances of my beautiful residence and took a detour into a
tougher road not traveled. This reminded me that there are two extremes in
Gurgaon: wealthy, white-collar urbanites who staff the companies that have
built this city, and not-as-lucky folks who live in shantytowns, but seem no
less happy and friendly—at least toward me.
counted my blessings during the Freedom Run 2017.
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