July 31, 2024

Athletic apathy: Paris 2024 Olympics

Photo credit: copyright Punch Newspapers; non-commercial use.

Skepticism and sarcasm add to the experience...

The Paris 2024 Olympics kicked off five days ago, and I’ve dutifully consumed the pre-games hype, the grand opening, and the athletic feats that followed. Yet, here I am, heretically thinking: I couldn't care less about the Olympics this year. I’ve started switching channels, closing web pages, and turning off my brain. Why am I being such a spoilsport (pun intended) about this global sports spectacle that happens only once every four years?

Sure, the Olympics capture the world's attention. Let's nerd out the facts and figures: 206 countries, 10,500 athletes, 32 sports, 329 medal events, an 8.8 billion Euro budget, nearly a billion TV viewers, and fortress-like security with 30,000 police and 15,000 military personnel. It’s a colossal endeavor of preparation, money, planning, and precise execution.

But I can't help wondering if it makes sense to spend billions guarding young people running, jumping, kicking or hitting balls, and swimming all while geopolitics turns nastier by the month? Of course there’s do-gooder sentimentality about fostering global unity through sports. But does it really put a band-aid on the serious clashes and wounds among nations? Or is it really just more chest-thumping as countries compare their medal hauls?

AI image credit: elblog.pl.com

And yes, Paris is a beautiful city and it will strive to host the greatest Olympic games ever in spite of the cost and the burden on Parisians and French taxpayers. I'm equally sure that Parisians will welcome even more millions of sweaty people crammed into their city in August. And I'm convinced the eco-friendly types will love the millions of extra plane trips and mountains of disposable plastic items that come with the spectators.

Despite all this, there must be something about the Olympics that captures the attention of billions of folks worldwide. Maybe it's the spectacle of human potential, the heartwarming stories of athletes overcoming adversity to win. Or is it just a great excuse to avoid doing anything productive in late-July/early August?

As for me, I daresay my sourpuss attitude toward the 2024 games might be caused by the lack of Olympic baseball. (France is not much of a baseball power and chose not to include it.)

Maybe it's just too darn hot to care. De l'audace, encore de l'audace, et toujours de l'audace.


June 30, 2024

Canadian Men Who Motivate

Image generated by AI/DALL-E
To honor Canada Day tomorrow, I want to spotlight a Canadian trio who inspire me. Let's dive into the stories of Chris Hadfield, Terry Fox, and Joey Votto—three outstanding Canucks whose example encourages me to strive in my work, do the right thing, and have a few laughs. They've set the bar high by living large, being resilient and determined and curious, and with passion for their life purpose.

Photo credit: NASA homepage and Wikipedia Commns
Chris Hadfield is more than just an accomplished astronaut; he’s a living symbol of pushing boundaries and human ambition. He's also an engineer, ex-fighter pilot, musician, and writer. Hadfield was the first Canadian to perform an extra vehicular spacewalk, participated in two Space Shuttle missions, and commanded the International Space Station. His viral videos from space -- demonstrating everyday activities in zero gravity for viewers back on Earth -- were entertaining and educational. They showcased his ability to blend science with creativity. Thus, good PR for outer space exploration! One of his most endearing projects was the song "In Canada" co-written and performed with his brother. This song is a love letter to Canada, marked by a subtle patriotism and a nod to the importance of family. How Canadian.

Photo credit: Terry Fox Foundation
I grew up frequently hearing the name Terry Fox and participated in the annual Terry Fox Run in autumn a few times while in university. Fox’s legacy is his unwavering determination and desire to help cure cancer. He had his right leg amputated due to cancer but did not let this setback define him. Instead, he embarked on the Marathon of Hope in 1980, aiming to run across Canada and raise one dollar from each Canadian for cancer research, roughly $24 million at the time. Starting on the East Coast, he made it about halfway until the cancer returned. Canadians from coast to coast rallied behind his cause, donating generously. He accomplished all this before he died at the young age of 22. Annual Terry Fox Runs continue to raise funds for cancer research. His story continues to inspire people, reminding us that one person's determination can spark a nationwide movement for good.

Screenshot couretsy of YouTube
Joey Votto, an all-star major league first baseman who has played primarily with the Cincinnati Reds, is another Canuck dude who inspires me with his salt-of-the-earth persona. He exemplifies the dedication and discipline required to excel at the highest level of baseball performance. Votto’s journey to becoming a likely Hall of Famer is a testament to his relentless work ethic and focus. His career statistics and accolades speak volumes about his talent and commitment: the most MLB games played by a Canadian-born player and extreme plate discipline—waiting for the right pitch. What I admire most about Votto is his balanced approach to work and life. While he takes being a pro ballplayer seriously and always strives for excellence, he also knows how to enjoy the game and engage with fans. For example, he likes to playfully tease visiting fans. In the latter years of his career with the Reds, he engaged more with media to explain elements of the game from his point of view. Votto shows that success doesn't have to come at the expense of fun. His philosophy reminds us to pursue our passions with intensity but also to savor the fun moments along the way.

I respect the fine qualities these men embody. Hadfield’s curiosity and creativity, Fox’s determination and hope, and Votto’s relentless desire to improve mixed with having fun remind us of the many choices we have in how we approach our lives day-to-day and how that can shape a life.

May 31, 2024

Men Who Motivate: Lessons from Three Standup Dudes

Let me start by noting how indebted I am to the great role models in my family who instilled values, morals, and character which guide me on how to conduct myself as a man to this day. While I won’t go into detail, I hope they know how grateful I am for my upbringing. That said, this post is about three public figures who have also shaped my behavior from boyhood to proto-adulthood and continue to guide me as I take on life's challenges.

Courtesy of 20th Century Fox
This post was inspired by the death of Academy Award-winning actor Louis Gossett Jr., who passed in late March this year. I first saw Gossett Jr. in his role as Marine Gunnery Sergeant Foley in "An Officer and a Gentleman" when I was a tween. The film left a lasting impression on me with its life lessons on building character, perseverance, and the importance of teamwork. The tough, moral leadership shown by GySgt. Foley helped me navigate my own tough training; I would not quit. Rest in peace, Gunny Foley.

Photo courtesy of Jim Leatherman / Orlando Culture Shock
I first heard about Henry Rollins when he was the lead singer of the punk rock band Black Flag when I was in high school. (Even though I confess I was mostly listening to the Doors and the Bangles then—ugh.) Rollins truly claimed space in my brain in the 1990s when I saw his spoken word performance in Vancouver in 1994 with my bud Jun Kodanzinski. Rollins is the epitome of hard work, taking chances and trying new things, and just grinding until it works. He has been a beacon of creativity, staying true to his roots, and making peace with aging. Rollins has remained true to his principles while remaining culturally relevant for over four decades!

Credit: Outside Magazine
Then there's David Goggins, whom I discovered through podcasts. Goggins, a retired Navy SEAL who also served in the Air Force and completed Army Ranger School, came from a disadvantaged childhood to become a highly successful motivational speaker/entrepreneur. Often heard saying "you can't hurt me," he is a top endurance athlete, inspires millions with his relentless drive, self-discipline, and ability to vanquish extreme physical and mental barriers. His story of overcoming childhood abuse, racism, and poverty to achieve greatness is a powerful testament to human potential. He's a foul-mouthed force of nature.

These three men come from vastly different backgrounds but share a tenacious work ethic and a willingness to "embrace the grind." Louis Gossett Jr. overcame racism and poverty to become an acclaimed actor. Henry Rollins transformed from a shy, insecure youth into a punk rock icon and Renaissance man. David Goggins went from a bullied child to a decorated Navy SEAL and ultra-endurance athlete. Their stories taught me that success is earned through relentless hard work, perseverance, and a refusal to quit in the face of adversity. There's no luck or shortcuts involved.

I also discovered that Gossett Jr., Rollins, and Goggins found motivation in unexpected places. Gossett Jr. was inspired by the civil rights movement, Rollins by the punk scene, and Goggins by grueling military training and service. Their stories remind us that motivation can be found anywhere if we have the right mindset and push ourselves farther than we think we can go. Exploring how these men drew inspiration from unexpected sources has given me insights and inspiration to keep going when life's inevitable challenges and setbacks happen.

This trio have faced doubt, criticism, and their own insecurities and used them as fuel to overcome more than a few obstacles to achieve interesting and great things. I am writing about them now because they've motivated me at different stages in my life. And I reckon many other people, too.

May 28, 2024

Holiday in Vietnam Part Two

More Ho Chi Minh City Adventures...and Beyond
Here are a few more impressions from the latter half of our family holiday in Vietnam. Southeast Asia has always held a special place in my heart ever since a course I took while in university titled "The Vietnam War in Perspective." Heavy sociopolitical lessons aside, during this trip we saw many places in Vietnam where history was made. 
Our remaining days there turned out to be a fun mix of dodging motorbikes at intersections like human Frogger champions, taking more than few trips to rural areas outside HCMC, and discovering the taste of egg coffee and the rich, distinctive flavor of durian, the so-called "King of Fruits." Here's a few glimpses of those walking trips in Ho Chi Minh City and our travels beyond the city.

Day 5
We started our day by walking to the War Remnants Museum, which provides a graphic account of Vietnam's wars during the Cold War era. On the way there, a friendly coconut seller convinced me to hoist a giant bough of coconuts to get a discount—a photo opportunity I couldn't resist! (Naomi is a big fan of naturally sweet coconut juice.)

The museum itself was a powerful and moving experience, chronicling the Vietnam War primarily from the Vietnamese perspective—as it should be. I'm glad we visited the museum, and hopefully our daughters absorbed some of its tragic lessons.

Day 6
Day six was all about our much-anticipated adventures in the natural surroundings and wilderness south of HCMC. The bus ride was a bumpy affair, crammed with around 20 fellow tourists, but the promise of real mangrove forests and jungle kept our spirits high. A short ferry ride, though an old diesel beast, offered up-close views of the brown Saigon River, a sight neither Naomi nor I wanted to miss. We made a quick stop at Ca Gia Mai, a spa-like place to eat a local lunch before continuing to the Monkey Island sanctuary and the SAC North Vietnamese Army jungle camp. The multitude of monkeys were the undisputed stars of the show because they managed to snatch a couple of pairs of sunglasses from some of our unsuspecting fellow tourists. We then ventured into the jungle mangroves via speedboat to the replica NVA camp to see how the soldiers lived and fought during the war. We also encountered a small group of Vietnamese officials, all clad in olive green uniforms—an interesting sight to be sure. The bus ride back to the hotel proved to be a bit of a snoozefest for the girls, while I spent the time marveling at the endless stream of owner-operated shops lining the highway. Even though Vietnam is still officially a socialist state, the overall vibe felt openly and ecstatically capitalist.

Day 7
Another morning, another convenient pick-up at our hotel! This time it was for our Cu Chi Tunnels visit about 50 km north of HCMC. The tunnels are an immense network of connecting passages and underground installations used by Viet Cong guerrillas to hide and prepare for their military operations during the war in the 1960s.

Our charismatic tour leader, who called himself "Super Jason," led our group of 11 to his minivan and introduced the driver. We made a stop at the Agent Orange Victims' craft store on the way, where I bought a fridge magnet. The two-hour ride through heavy traffic, then lush countryside, offered a fascinating glimpse into the lives of everyday people. Super Jason's tour was a real rock-and-roll affair. During the drive, he held up his laptop to show us videos about the tunnels and the political context, and then hosted a Q&A afterward. After we arrived, most of the tour participants -- including the Rising Family™ -- tried the Cu Chi tunnel passages and ventured into the underground bunkers. It was a dark and claustrophobic experience, something I won't forget.

Day 8: Saigon History Revisited
On the last day of our vacation, I was determined to see the former CIA station chief's apartment rooftop, something only I wanted to do. For me, seeing that spot on the rooftop was akin to seeing tangible history, or at least something that happened within my lifetime. So I woke up early in the morning and went on this solo sightseeing trek because it was not far from our hotel. At that early hour, it was eerily quiet, with only sleepy-looking security guards protecting government buildings and joggers. Reaching the corner near the City Hall building, I spent a few minutes at Ho Chi Minh's statue. Soon, I found the old apartment building, then took a moment to soak in the view and contemplate the black-and-white photos depicting Saigon in 1975 when North Vietnamese Army tanks were on the city's streets and Vietnam War hostilities were nearly over. It was a chance to ponder what life might have been like during that chaotic period when desperate people were scrambling onto rooftops to escape the city by helicopter.

Anyway, it was our last day in HCMC. It was time for some final pampering and last-chance enjoyment. We treated Elena and Marina to facials and massages for Naomi and me. The square in front of our hotel was packed with people celebrating from late afternoon onward since it was the evening before New Year's. So we ended our trip to Vietnam the same way we started it: eating from street food stalls, listening to music, and soaking up the holiday atmosphere and the buzz of happiness in the air. We could not have asked for a better way to end the trip and the year 2023.


April 30, 2024

Holiday in Vietnam Part One

ChatGPT-4 was used to create this AI image
Last December the weather quickly cooled in Yokohama and the Rising Family™ swapped winter coats for shorts and sunglasses, then set off on an adventure to spend the Christmas holidays in Ho Chi Minh City. Little did we know our journey would be filled with chaotic tourist bus and water ferry rides, bargaining battles in the markets, and a quest for the perfect Banh Mi sandwich. Forget turkey and mashed potatoes, we were about to roast ourselves under the blazing Vietnamese sun.

Day 1
We woke up early and by 04:30 were headed toward a long-term parking lot near the airport. In short order we were all set and ready to board our flight to Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC). The journey started, tally ho! The flight itself was a breeze. After we landed, we quickly navigated customs and immigration followed by a taxi ride to our hotel, which was right in the downtown core. We headed out in the evening to embrace the bustling energy of the city and experienced a local event called the Hozo Music Festival. I heard Vietnamese rappers! Also, we had our first taste of local street food while soaking in the sights and sounds. There were lots of tourists, but plenty of Vietnamese folks, too. Lady E. was gregarious in talking to vendors and having fun amid the new smells and sounds.

Day 2
We dedicated the day to exploring HCMC aboard double-decker buses, opting for hop-on, hop-off sightseeing tours to recon major tourist attractions. We took three of these bus routes to decide where we wanted to spend our time. Encompassing views of famous historic buildings and museums, and a bridge tour with panoramic views of the Mekong river at dusk, we saw many of HCMC's tourist spots and gained a better feel for the city. Nearing dusk, we stepped off at the Ben Thanh Market to check it out. It's an amazing marketplace, with 1,600 booths and 10,000 visitors per day. Shopping generated some minor squabbles between our daughters. Still, overall it was a day to savor the city skyline and sample more of the tasty and cheap street food.

Christmas Day
I often had passion fruit and mango for breakfast. And I savored Vietnamese coffee nearly every morning during this trip. It's a decadent way to begin the day. On Christmas morning, Naomi and I arranged travel plans for the coming days while the girls watched music videos in their hotel room. 

We started walking around HCMC. Despite the 34-degree heat, we eagerly explored the core of the city. Midway through our trek, my wife and daughters indulged in nail treatments and foot massages. We walked all the way to Tan Dinh Roman Catholic Church, one of the city's iconic tourist spots. The reason is its beautiful pink and yellow colors, which are a feast for the eyes. No Christmas Mass was possible, though. Marina dubbed it the “social media church” due to the crowds of selfie-snapping young people. The history of the church, and its architecture and colors, were compelling. On the way back, Marina got a mango slushie at the Ben Thanh Market. While we stopped to eat, a cockroach flew onto my arm, then to her overalls, causing a mild freak out—this added a touch of hilarity to our Christmas walkabout, and I laughed my ass off. We walked over 12 kilometers and capped the day with a nice Christmas call with relatives back home.

Day 4
We ventured outside HCMC by taking a 90-minute morning fast ferry via the Saigon River to Vung Tau on the coast, fulfilling my long-standing desire to see the Mekong River Delta. After a relaxing time at the beach, we returned. All of us wished we had more time there. It's a beautiful town.

- To be continued, see Part 2 -

April 22, 2024

Honoring Mom Ten Years On

"Life is for the living." It's something my mom would say long before she herself became ill. Today marks the tenth anniversary of her death. As I look back and collect my thoughts, I'm drawn to fond memories that highlight her vibrant spirit, admirable character, and the lasting impact she had on those she loved.

I often catch myself echoing the parental wisdom I heard during my childhood, passed down by both my mom and dad. "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all." When necessary, she'd remind me: "Honesty is the best policy even though it's tough sometimes." And of course, the classic old saw: "If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you do it too?" One original life lesson was to occasionally do something wacky on a whim and not worry about what others think because "Who cares? Nobody remembers embarrassing details after a few years." As I approached adulthood, her guidance was steadfast, for example with this perceptive offer during my teenage years: "If you drink too much, don't drive home, and call me. I'll pick you up any hour. You get one free pass."

I find comfort in the zesty way she lived her life. Her love for maintaining a welcoming home, nurturing a beautiful garden, and being friendly to strangers remain enduring examples. She always showed remarkable resilience during the inevitable tough times everybody experiences in life.

Some of her original quips bring her presence closer: "Let's just stop for a quick tea and a smoke." When skiing: "I'm cold, so I'll go and have tea at the chalet for a bit. You guys go ahead and have fun." (That meant she was done for the day, heh heh.) And who could forget her annual declaration that Thanksgiving dinner was her favorite, soon followed by her willingness to bake endless batches of shortbread cookies for Christmas.

Although my daughters only had a short time to experience their "Canada Nana," I'm heartened when they remember the mementos she gave them. Nana adored them and thought ahead.

Her legacy of love, strength, and kindness continues. Ten years may have passed since she left us, and we miss her, but her spirit lives on in the way we live our lives to the fullest. As I honor her memory, I take equal measures of delight and gratitude when thinking about the past. That, I believe, is a true tribute to her.


March 29, 2024

Double Dose of Taylor Swift - Part 2

Here's some more of my Q&A with Elena about her Taylor Swift concert experience.

What did Taylor say about her new album, "The Tortured Poets Department"?
She said she was really excited to release it because it's been a while since she released a new album.

Did she make a comment about any difference from her other albums or what's new?
No, she didn't really say anything. She just said it was she was excited.

Any comments about being in Japan? Was it her first time here?
No, it wasn't her first time and she said Japanese people are super fashionable and that it was fun for her to come over here because it's pretty unique.

What was the musical highlight of both concerts for you?
During the concerts she played multiple songs from past albums. And I think the musical highlights for me were the songs she played from the albums 1989 and Reputation because those are my two favorite albums. And the visuals were great.

Did Taylor mention anything about the differences of performing at the Tokyo Dome versus other cities?
She didn't really say much about challenges and I don't think she would have said anything boring or negative anyway. It's a concert, man! She just said that people are style-conscious and it's fun for her to perform here, and how so many people were here and she was like, so grateful and stuff like that.

What time did the concerts end?
I think both started around 6 pm. I think it ended around like 9 pm; both concerts probably ended around 9 or 9:30-ish. Pretty long, but a lot of fun.

Overall, how would you rate your experience at the Taylor Swift concert? Was it worth 50,000 yen for both concerts?
I think it was worth it because I had fun with my good friends. Also, I got to go two days--I got to experience it two times. I kind of grew up with Taylor Swift's music so I think it was something that was really worth it. Also, the concerts featured all the albums from her past, not only one album and a few hits. So I was happy to hear all the songs.

Photo credit: Reuters
Anything else you want to say about the concert experience?
I enjoyed myself and it was a great time with my friends. A little bit expensive but I think the whole experience was super good. And I got to dress up, buy T-shirts and make bracelets, and trade with people and stuff like that. It was a totally good time.
