July 17, 2020

300 posts / 13 years

Today I am publishing this blog's 300th post. I've reached this milestone thirteen years since the birth of Lady E., who was the catalyst for this effort. We doubled down with the addition of Marina. When I began the blog, on a whim, it was titled "Rising Daughter." I had no preconceived notions of what subjects I'd write about or how long I would do it. Yet, here we are.

I've discovered the most important factor in writing 300 posts is to simply keep writing. There is no magic to it. Just dogged persistence, occasional self-indulgence and a bit of skylarking. There's been scant consistency in the content apart from recounting what this family is doing, tales from our various trips, and occasional interviews with the Rising Daughters® to mark their interests and development. I have tried to keep work and politics out of it. I have aimed to capture moments in time so my daughters themselves might find something heartwarming or funny when they read it later in life.

What have I learned from scribbling 300 posts?
- You always want to make retroactive corrections and improvements. That includes ridiculously simple things like spelling errors that aren't caught due to tired eyes, bad style, or clunky diction.
- It’s a blog, not a book. You get one round of writing, then a stab at improving. Then you push it out and live with it.
- Have fun. It's OK to indulge and amuse yourself, too. Case in point: my motorcycle trip retrospectives.

How many people read it?
I don't know. But I don't give a rat's ass about "engagement" (the aggregate metrics of who reads it and if they like it). That's never been the purpose of the Rising Daughters blog. The real impact for me isn't registered immediately. Perhaps in the coming years? I know a few extended family members who enjoy it and get some insight into what we're doing despite our living so far away. Bottom line: it's a labor of love. Regardless if one person or 20 reads the output, the more I write, the more I improve, and that is never-ending. I have set two posts per month as my sweet spot, or about 24 posts per year. That's manageable.

What's in it for you?
What I get out of it is self-reflection about what we've done, what we enjoy doing together, and where the family is heading. The writing itself is fun, but occasionally onerous. Maintaining process discipline has forced me to use some of the tools I've honed in my job such as clarifying and refining my thinking, and editing.

Why is it only the positive, PG-rated posts?
Like I mentioned above—no politics, no work. And, social media is almost always positive:
Let me tell how great things are going.
Thumbs up.
Look how great I am.
The PG-rating is organic because the Rising Family™ is perfect. We never fight. We always look good, do interesting things at full speed, and at peak performance. We are unceasingly polite and warm to each other and every day is magically happy. This all happens because Naomi and I have innovative, superior parenting techniques. The Rising Daughters can do no wrong as brilliant students with world-class social skills.
Yeah, right.

When will the blog end?
Not sure. I'll keep going until the daughters put the kibosh on it or the wind whispers "it's time."

Thanks for reading!

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